Miscarriage Causes and Prevention

Our modern nutritional program, is a primary cause of miscarriage. Miscarriage is our bodies response to a bio-chemical imbalance. Miscarriage is not Nature failing humans, but rather, humans failing to honor the laws of Nature.

Miscarriage falls under the category of preconception health, because the best way to prevent miscarriage is to improve our health before conception.

Miscarriage Can Be Caused by Toxins

"Miscarriages, are so frequently brought about by assaulting the system with toxic foods… When a woman becomes toxic, one of the avenues of vicarious elimination is through the womb. Acrid irritating material is flushed out in the menstrual blood, causing very disagreeable periods. The inflamed womb is left in the boggy condition, which makes implanting of the fertilized egg difficult, with the contents of the pregnant uterus often disgorged in one of the menstrual cycles." Bieler, H. Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health.

The toxic foods Dr. Bieler is referring to include coffee, flour products like cakes, pastries and donuts, cooked animal proteins, and foods with processed sugars.

Miscarriage is a Response to the Environment

Miscarriage happens when the body induces the release of the growing fetus. A significant percent of miscarried fetuses are malformed. The mother's body can easily become toxic during pregnancy. This happens as some of the bodies internal cleansing resources become devoted to growing a fetus and no longer are as effective, and/or, because the body needs a clean and harmonious internal environment to grow a healthy child. Because the presence of harmful substances in the body will affect the child, the body attempts to rid itself of these toxic substances. A less extreme case of this cleansing action is called morning sickness, and in a more extreme case, a survival mechanism activates and the body aborts the fetus.

Miscarriage Can Be Caused by a Nutrient Deficiency

If many times the body rids itself of a malformed fetus, the question you might ask yourself is: What causes a deformed fetus?

See pig image with club feet at Healing Our Children

"Pig has club feet, deformities of the ears, two tumors and no eyeballs due to lack of adequate vitamin A in the mother's diet." Price, W. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

A lack of fat-soluble vitamin A from animal foods may promote miscarriages. In addition, it is possible that severe lack of a host of other vitamins or minerals can lead to a malformed fetus, and thus a miscarriage.

An Example of Healing Miscarriage

Dr. Bieler writes of a patient who was 29 years old and who could not have children. She had seven miscarriages all at the seventh month of pregnancy.

"I first saw her in 1967, after her seventh miscarriage. She was six-and-a-half months pregnant and had begun to spot. She looked pale and had edema of the legs and frequent intense headaches. I noticed that her hands showed a thick, indurated, red, scaly eczema. Since this condition is caused by too much sugar, I look for additional signs of sugar poisoning. This was found in her childhood history of chronic endometritis; she had experience chronic eczema on her hands and arms since birth. The reasons for her miscarriages was thus explained.

I put her on a sugar-free diet and, as a result, she soon stopped spotting and carried the baby to full term with normal delivery. Before she gave birth, her eczema had completed healed, and there was no sign of it being carried over to her newly-born baby son." Bieler, H. Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health.

Genetics are Not the Cause of Miscarriage

A commonly promoted opinion is that miscarriage is caused by a result of errors in the baby's gene's or chromosomes, that occur by chance as the embryo grows and divides. This theory is false, as these conditions can be prevented through lifestyle adjustments as seen in the above example.

Genetics are what determines the potential height of an individual, their sex, their eye color. Genetics does not determine, however plays some influence in, the health of the seeds of the father and mother, and the health of the mother's body, at the time of conception.

Like in Nature, a plant cannot grow to its full height when it is not watered, and when the soil is barren. In the same way, Nature cannot complete her symphony of reproduction without all the right instruments (nutrients).

Blaming unseen or unknown genetic conditions in the growing fetus as the cause of miscarriage, ignores practical factors in health; that our body needs good functioning internal chemistry, plenty of nutrients, and a lack of toxic substances to create an ideal womb for development. When the body is assaulted with wrong foods, a toxic condition is created. When the body is starved of nutrients, and this is a common result of a lifetime of our modern nutritional program of foods produced by industry, the body cannot function at its optimal level.

This inefficiency, is not caused by Nature, but by humans, and can usually be corrected over time with the proper protocol. The imbalance of our lifestyle, our habits of foods, drinks and drugs (prescription and otherwise), becomes pronounced in conception because of the delicacy and intricacy involved in the act of reproduction.

Miscarriage is not Nature failing humans, but rather, humans failing to honor the laws of Nature.

Reducing the Likelihood of Miscarriage

A more careful study on creating health is on the Preconception Health Plan page.

The Foresight preconception program in the UK maintains a 714% reduction in miscarriages versus the national average. This is clear evidence that miscarriages are both caused, and can be prevented by changes in our lifestyle, that is, how we relate to the natural world.

Father's and Mother's need to use the time prior to conception to create ideal seeds, and ideal internal chemistry and vitality to promote the growth of a healthy child.

Avoid all Modern Foods of commerce to Prevent Spontaneous Termination of Pregnancy

  1. All sugar's accept for small amounts of stevia and unheated honey. (Fruit is Okay)
  2. All flour products unless it is BOTH from freshly ground, and fermented grains.
  3. All low quality vegetable oils, non-organic meats, low fat foods, soymilk and tofu.

Avoid Other Environmental Toxins that can cause a Miscarriage

  1. Prescription Drugs(prescription and otherwise), Vaccinations, and Birth Control Pills (Replace with FAM).
  2. Alcohol, Drugs, Cigarettes, and all sources of Fluoride.
  3. Drink and bathe in purified water, limit electromagnetic radiation.
  4. Household chemicals, pesticides, and non organic makeup and body care products.
  5. Aluminum, Ultrasounds, X-rays, and Commercial non-organic Tampons.

Eat Whole Foods Including Fat-soluble vitamins:

  1. Fish Eggs, Yellow Grassfed Butter, Grassfed Liver
  2. Fermented Foods, Bone Broths, Raw Milk, Raw Cream, Grassfed eggs
  3. Other Organ Meats, Lots and lots of veggies, and limit intake of sweet fruits.

Cleanse Before Conception:

  1. Utilize Raw Foods, Fasting, Vegetable Juices, Vegetable Soups, and Herbal Cleanses to remove accumulated wastes from the body. (Do not do a complete fast anywhere close to the time of conception, give yourself at least 1 year before conception, as fasting can substantially deplete the body of nutrients)
  2. Clarify, heal, and rejuvenate the mind, emotions and spirit.

We Are Not Here To Suffer from Miscarriage

We are hear on Earth to learn, grow, heal, and to open to a more unified and complete reality. The old paradigm that disease is incurable, and its causes are unknown, is false. The presence of miscarriage can be greatly reduced by changing our lifestyle habits.

When things go wrong, it is apart of a painful learning experience that we need to go through. While some of these experiences, we have no control over, as they are debts carried over from other times and places, we can substantially change our health, and the health of our child-to-be because we are here to be redeemed!

Learn more natural and holistic information about fertility, pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

Healing Our Children Book Image Having a healthy child requires a special diet before you concieve. Only Healing Our Children teaches a preconception program based on wisdom from Indigenous cultures so that you can have a truley bright-eyed baby.

A happier baby means life with less stress, less sickness and knowing that you are giving your best to your children. Book topics also include, natural parenting, pregnancy diets, and how to have a safe birth.

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Feedback From Readers Who Have Nurtured Their Children with advice from Healing Our Children

This truly is a book to heal our future generation of children! - Hally Cuttner

Ramiel Nagel's book "Healing Our Children", lovingly provides holistic perspectives on the many facets of parenting and family life. Through the guidance of this book we have become more aware and enlightened parents. Overall, this book exudes an energy of life and honesty. It is a refreshing addition to the run of the mill parenting guide. Thank you Rami! - Jamie Busch, New Jersey

This book is a treasure for new families, for all those who are planning on having children or already have young kids. - Olga

In this book Rami explains the basics of how nutrition is linked to so many of these so-called "incurable" diseases. At the end of the day, there are no shortcuts. We do need to take full responsibility of raising our children properly. - Sandeep Agarwal

Pregnancy Book Healing Our Children

Healing Our Children reveals that each disease of pregnancy and childhood can be prevented naturally. The secrets of having a vibrant, bright-eyed baby are explained in easy to grasp terms.

Learn how to:
·substantially reduce your child's risk for disease.
·reduce your risk of birth defects by 1602%, miscarriage by 640%, and premature births by 315%.
·reverse infertility with 78.4% success eating real food.
·raise your child so they feel loved, honored and cherished.

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Notes From Healing Our Children Readers:

  • Healing Our Children will serve as an important tool in reversing the now obvious trend to physical degeneration and restoring vibrant health to all children.

    Sally Fallon, President,
    Weston A. Price Foundation

  • My daughter just turned 5 and we adopted the recommendations you mention in the book. I have to say that I have never seen her that happy. Always in a good mood and I've never seen a baby that smiley.


  • If you are planning to have a child, be sure to read the book, "Healing Our Children."
    "Healing Our Children" will help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy and also contribute to the health and wellness of your entire family.

    Pam Killeen,
    NY Times Best selling Author